

The SIENNA 500 laser wire strippers utilise a unique rotary beam system and are designed for large diameter cable stripping, for wire and cable up to 22 mm (0.88″) diameter.

The SIENNA 500 series has been developed to provide the highest quality and most reliable method of removing today’s high technology wire insulations without damage to the conductors or shields. It’s ability to strip both heavy gauge single core wires as well as multi-core, and coaxial cables makes it particularly suitable for aerospace and defence electronics, power and RF electronics, automotive and battery cable stripping applications.

The unique rotary process facilitates large diameter cable stripping, as well as stripping irregularly shaped cables. As well as making a complete 360 degree rotary strip the SIENNA 500 series can also be programmed to make a longitudinal strip, or “slit” to facilitate removal of the insulation. The system can also make a separate second ‘window’ strip to expose the shield on cables where a connection to the connector back shell is required.



Complete and clean stripping around the circumference of large gauge wire and cable

High quality and damage-free – the laser is reflected off the conductor, plating, or other metallic surfaces

Easy and clean stripping of tough insulation materials



Laser strips high temperature, hard or soft insulation materials effectively

End strips, cross cuts, window strips

Single step operation

Program store capability for different wire type parameters

Increased job storage with PC software




Laser - 10 Watt or 30 Watt CO2 air cooled

Configuration - Rotary axis

Control - Microprocessor with keypad

Wire Types - Single core wires and multi-conductor cables

Wire Sizes - 1mm up to 22mm outside diameter (OD)

Accuracy +/- 0.2 mm (0.008”)

Process Area - Strip lengths up to 200mm (7.8”)

Air Extraction

To comply with health and safety requirements, air exhaust must be provided when using any laser wire stripper. If this is not available in your factory, Spectrum’s ACS-5 systems remove all smoke, odours, particles and fumes from the laser stripping area and return clean air to the room


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