Machine in black




For US government customers, this product is listed on the GSA Advantage website under contract number GS06-F-0044N.

The CAPRIS CMS2 (‘Contrast Measurement System 2’) has been designed specifically for off-line contrast measurement of laser generated marks on electrical wiring or fibre optic cabling employed in aerospace and other critical industries.

It provides a convenient Quality Assurance tool that can be employed simply and quickly to monitor and measure the average contrast of user applied and/or manufacturer markings on wire and cable.

CAPRIS CMS2 operation and performance has been verified by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) under a US Navy funded programme.

The CMS2 calculates the contrast by measuring the variation in luminance on the surface of a sample over an area encompassing the mark and the unmarked insulation. Driven through Windows software (supplied with the system) with a full file management capability, the contrast of a sample is measured accurately and calculated in a single measurement at the click of the mouse. The operator then has the option to store the contrast result and the sample information on file.

In addition, the CMS2 data can be used in SPC systems recording contrast vs time/wire manufacturer and wire gauge. The system is able to measure contrast repeatably and efficiently (independent of time or the operator) and provide a record of the measurements for quality tracking purposes.

The system comprises the CMS2 Camera Unit; wire holder blocks; Calibration Tiles and PC with Windows 10 Spectrum CMS2 control software.

Machine in black


Boeing BAC 5152 Identification Of Electric Wire and Wire Bundles
Sikorsky SS7333 Identification Marking of Wire/Cable – methods For

The CAPRIS CMS2 also complies with the requirements of the following international aerospace standards:

ASD prEN 3475 – Part 705 Aerospace series: Cables, electrical, aircraft use – Test methods: Contrast Measurement. P2 Sept 2004
SAE AS4373 – Test Methods for Insulated Electric Wire, Group 1000 – Wire Identification Marking and Evaluation. RevE Feb 2012


Machine in black
Machine in black


CMS2 Comprising - Contrast measurement module (CMM), PC with area scan camera and preloaded with custom CMS software, 3 precision wire mounts and calibration tile assembly

Contrast Range - Suitable for measurements in the range 35 to 100% (for white and light coloured wires only)

Accuracy - +/-2 %

Measurement - Area measurement system with area scan camera enables contrast values to be measured and calculated from a single image within ~15 seconds - including set up

Results - Displayed on PC monitor with option to store the result and image on file

Wire Size Range - 26 AWG (0.9 mm/0.03 inch OD) to 6 AWG (6.3 mm/0.13 inch OD) 

Observation Area - ~ 3.4 mm x 2.5 mm (0.13 x 0.10 inches) 

Illumination - Single lamp with two fibre optics at 45° Color Temperature 3100 K

Dimension (CMM) - 18 cm x 23 cm x 39 cm (7 x 9 x 15 inches) (W x D x H) 

Weight (CMM) - 8.4 kg (18.5 lbs) 

CE Conformity - In compliance with EC and FDA directives 

1.31 MB

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