SIENNA™ Laser Wire Strippers:
Damage-Free, High-Quality Wire Stripping
No Blades – No Nicks – No Damage

Spectrum Technologies’ SIENNA laser wire strippers offer cost-effective, high-quality damage-free stripping of hi-tech wire and cable constructions used in the most demanding manufacturing applications, including medical electronics, aerospace, consumer electronics and automotive.

Spectrum offers a range of SIENNA laser wire stripper products designed to deal with different wire types and manufacturing requirements, and developed to meet the requirements of a wide range of electrical manufacturing applications.

Each SIENNA family has different process capabilities and speeds, offering flexibility for differing production requirements and strip applications.

Providing the optimum laser wire solutions- whatever your application- from the original developers of laser wire stripping technology.

  • SIENNA 200 series– Entry-level, linear laser wire strippers for general purpose wire stripping. Available in single axis (x or y), dual axis (x-y), or fixed beam configurations.
  • SIENNA 300 series– A higher power version of the SIENNA 200 series with higher laser powers for penetrating tougher insulation types. Available in single or dual axis configurations.
  • SIENNA 500 series– Rotary laser wire strippers enabling complete 360 degree stripping on larger gauge wire and cable.
  • SIENNA 600 series - The SIENNA 600 series is a range of fixed-beam laser wire strippers with a high speed dual axis stage designed for high throughput applications.

If you are unsure which SIENNA system is best suited to your application we would be very happy to process your samples in our lab and make recommendations.

For a more detailed discussion of laser wire stripping; including its development and the wire types with which it may be used, please see our Laser Wire Stripping Technology page.


SIENNA 200系列是入门级激光剥线系统,提供单轴和双轴剥线配置,适用于大多数需要剥除细规格电线和电缆的工业应用。 SIENNA 200特别适用于大量生产的计算机互连、手机和其他电子产品中使用的非常精细的微同轴线和带状电缆的剥线。 SIENNA 200是紧凑的台式设备,专为灵...
SIENNA 300系列激光剥线系统是200系列的更高功率版本,专为需要剥除具有较厚绝缘层的电线和电缆的工业应用而设计,同时也非常适合剥除需要更高功率激光器的玻璃纤维和布料绝缘层。 SIENNA 300是一款紧凑型的台式双轴剥线机,能够在电线或电缆的任何位置完成复杂的剥线模式。机...
SIENNA 500激光剥线机采用旋转光束系统,专为最大直径为22毫米(0.88英寸)的电线和电缆剥线而设计。 SIENNA 500系列经过精心开发,旨在提供高质量和可靠的剥线方法,用于去除当今高科技电线绝缘层,同时不会对导体或屏蔽层造成损伤。SIENNA 500可剥除大径线单芯...
SIENNA 600系列是配有高速双轴移动平台的固定轴激光剥线机,是为高产能应用而设计的。 SIENNA 600系列的设备加工面积大390mm x 290mm (15.35” x 11.41”),特别适合用于电子及医疗设备应用上的极细同轴线的大批量剥线。 SIENNA 600系...
如果现场没有可用的排气装置,可以使用ACS-5空气净化系统。使用激光剥线机时必须配置排气装置,建议使用排气量至少为2.8立方米/分钟(100立方英尺/分钟)的排气装置。 ACS-5能够清除激光剥线区域的烟雾和碎屑,经过过滤后向室内返回清洁空气。它是一款小巧紧凑的设备,可以放置在S...