

The SIENNA 600 series is a range of fixed-beam laser wire strippers with a high speed dual axis stage designed for high throughput applications.

The SIENNA 600 series has a large processing area of 390mm x 290mm (15.35” x 11.41”) and is particularly suited to large volume batch processing of small micro-coaxial cables used in electronics and medical device applications.

It is a free-standing unit contained in a single cabinet with an access door for placing the items to be processed.

The system is PLC controlled with a touch screen Human-Machine Interface (“HMI”) to make data input and programming much easier.  A USB port allows simple upload and download of job files from an external PC or laptop.

The SIENNA 600 has been designed so that two different laser types can be integrated into the system depending on the application – standard insulation removal or scribing of metal shields.



Large process area: 3900mm x 2900mm (15.35” x 11.41”)

Colour touch-screen HMI for fast programming

USB port for job upload/download from laptop/PC

Large job store on machine - over 100 jobs

Password protection access at different levels

Simple to set-up and maintain




  • Choice of laser type and power depending on application (contact Spectrum to discuss and check availability):
  • Standard stripping (25 Watt & 50 Watt)
  • Shield scribing (20 Watt and 30 Watt)
  • Maximum process speed of 300mm/second (11.8”/second)
  • High positioning accuracy levels: +/- 0.1mm (0.004”)

Air Extraction

To comply with health and safety requirements, air exhaust must be provided when using any laser wire stripper. If this is not available in your factory, Spectrum’s ACS-5 systems remove all smoke, odours, particles and fumes from the laser stripping area and return clean air to the room.

If you are unsure which SIENNA system is best suited to your application we would be very happy to process your samples in our lab and make recommendations.

3.65 MB

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