

Measure and cut system for processing a wide range of wire and cable types and sizes used in the production of complex electrical wire harnesses for aerospace, defence, military vehicles, rail and other specialist applications.

The Nova Mini-MaX is an all electric measure and cut system suitable for processing wire and cable up to 10mm2, 8.0 mm / 0.3 inch nominal outside diameter. This compact system offers a complete solution for preparing cut wire and cable.

One machine with two color silver and black with buttons on it.


This compact system offers a complete solution for preparing cut wire and cable.

The two driven rollers provide effective traction and ensure that wire is transported through at the highest speeds.

The measurement rollers which run separately guarantee precise cut length accuracy for a wide range of different materials and wire types.

The electric cutter ensures a high quality cut.

With simple loading and unloading, wire changeover is quick allowing you to measure and cut a wide range of wire and cable easily.




  • Wire size range: up to 8.0 mm (0.3 inch) outside diameter - nominal
  • Wire types include: Circular and non-circular cross section wire, ribbon cable, heat shrink tube and pneumatic tube
  • Maximum speed: 30 m/minute (100 ft/min)
  • Bench-top system
  • Touch pad or PC controlled operation
  • Option for integrating Laser Wire Strippers for automated strip, measure and cut capabilities
  • Compact size: Dimensions 194mm (W) x 228mm (H) x 301mm (D) (7.6 x 9.0 x 11.8 inches)
1.32 MB

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