

The Nova 50-100i Series is the new entry level bench-top product. It replaces the CAPRIS 50-100 PCS system as the UV laser wire marker of choice for low to medium volume wire marking applications, offering the same productivity with enhanced technical features. Designed to meet the growing demands and challenges across industry these machines incorporate a range of leading edge technologies to create a state-of-the-art family of benchtop laser wire processing systems. Providing mark, measure and cut capabilities for applications ranging from low volume manufacturing and maintenance to full scale production.

Available in three models the Nova 50-101i, Nova 50-102i, Nova 50-103i systems offers an increase in productivity compared to the CAPRIS 50-100 PCS system but with the enhanced technical features associated with Nova. The Nova 50-100i is positioned to become the UV laser wire marker of choice for low-medium volume wire marking applications.

The Nova 50-100i UV laser wire marker provides maximum print flexibility.

Nova wire markers comply with all key OEM aerospace specifications and international standards, including SAE AS 5649 and ASD EN4650, “Wire and cable marking process, UV laser”.


Fully integrated, bench-top wire processing system

Lowest cost of ownership

Flexible marking –unlimited range of characters

Easy to install, operate and maintain



Machine in Silver



High-efficiency, air-cooled, long-life diode pumped solid state (dpss) UV laser Fully flexible scanning marking system Sealed lasers — no need for specialised laser maintenance engineers/training Simplified maintenance; minimal consumables Reduced total cost of ownership three models to choose from: Nova 50-101i, Nova 50-102i, Nova 50-103


Up to 200 characters per identification mark as standard Full upper and lower case ASCII alphanumeric character set available as standard Machine readable codes ** Custom characters available on request


Single and multi-station dereeler options Manual wire loading Automatic detection of knots, splices and wire ends with optical KSD (Knot and Splice Detector) Optional on Nova 50-101i ** Single coil pan as standard Coil pan motion sensor ** Other downstream wire collection options available, including rereeler option for continuous filament processing *


Marks all types of UV laser, markable wires and shielded and unshielded multi-conductor cables. Full list available on request


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